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With great humility and care we are honored to share with you this plant spirit in its traditional form. The Kava tea is brewed by infusing the lateral roots and stump through fresh water. Drink with intention and purpose, drink to honor the ancestors of our Earth, drink to honor spirit and body too.
We honor and thank the Polynesians, Hawaiians, Micronesians, and Asian-Pacific Islanders, for protecting the islands, the animals, and the South Pacific Oceans. Through their perseverance to survive past and modern day colonization, the history and wisdom of the ancient ways are maintained.
I can support by embodying change. Imbuing reverence and respect can take the form of learning Pacific Islander history, their culture, their wisdom. Humility and kindness when visiting the Islands are also ways to honor those indigenous to these regions. All too often people take vacations without reverence or respect for the places they visit. Please educate, listen, and change accordingly so that we might create a better World.