The best way to stay in touch, and know about events is our Instagram
Nalu space is a lovely environment to host your passion. Our unique ambiance of plants, lounging areas, workspace, intimate movement space, covered semi-heated roof top patio. Amenities like surround sound system, sink, fridge, tea pots/cups, and more.
Tea bartending service is available and flexible-ask about partial tea service for reduced rates
Average rate for hourly rental: $50/hr (please see below for possible additional fees) Community Rates are varied and as thrive to honor passions and dreams so that they might manifest! Reach out and ask if you need an affordable space for your endeavors.
Allow Nalu to be the spot of your next birthday, yoga class, dance party, classes, or workshops today.
Mon | 7am - 2pm
Tues | 2pm - Midnight
Weds | 7am-Midnight
Thurs | 7am-2pm
Sat & Sun | 7am-5pm
Various possible fees to consider depending on your needs:
Cleaning fee of $50
Tea-tender present for duration of event $17/hour
**Sliding scale and/or discount options offered to Nalu patrons
**Monthly and 6 Month commitment discounts**
We honor and thank the Polynesians, Hawaiians, Micronesians, and Asian-Pacific Islanders, for protecting the islands, the animals, and the South Pacific Oceans. Through their perseverance to survive past and modern day colonization, the history and wisdom of the ancient ways are maintained.
I can support by embodying change. Imbuing reverence and respect can take the form of learning Pacific Islander history, their culture, their wisdom. Humility and kindness when visiting the Islands are also ways to honor those indigenous to these regions. All too often people take vacations without reverence or respect for the places they visit. Please educate, listen, and change accordingly so that we might create a better World.